Cookie Policy

This policy aims to explain how this website uses cookies in order to provide clear and relevant information to allow users to make their own choices for the purposes of controlling what happens when they access the site. The policy uses the term ‘cookie’ to refer to cookies and similar technologies covered by law (such as, for example, Local Shared Objects – commonly referred to as “flash cookies”, web beacons or bugs, including clear transparent gifs). The information collected concerns data that could allow users/visitors to be identified through association and processing with data held by third parties (such as, for example, IP address numbers, domain names of computers used by people connecting to the site web). This data is used for statistical purposes only. This document is an integral and substantial part of the Privacy Policy and the information contained therein also released pursuant to art. 13 of legislative decree n. 196 of 2003 (Code for the protection of personal data, Italian law that implements the aforementioned European directives) and EU Regulation no. 2016/679 (GDPR). We therefore invite you to read this document.

Applicable law
The matter is regulated by the European Directive 2002/58 / EC – subsequently modified by Directive 2009/136 / EC and implemented by the national legislation of the Member States of the European Union – which requires obtaining consent for cookies and similar technologies.

What is a cookie
A cookie is a small text file, usually of letters and numbers, downloaded to a device when the user accesses the website. Cookies are then sent to the original site on each subsequent visit. Cookies are useful because they allow a website to recognize a user’s device. The use of cookies and similar technologies has long been commonplace as cookies are important in the provision of many online services. The use of these technologies is therefore not prohibited by law but requires that the user is informed about cookies and offered the option to accept them or not.

Different types of cookies
Session and persistent cookies
 – Cookies may expire at the end of a browser session (i.e., from when a user opens the browser window until the browser is exited) or may be retained for longer.

Session cookies – allow websites to link a user’s actions during a browser session. They can be used for a variety of purposes, such as remembering what a user has put in their shopping cart while browsing a site. They could also be used for security when a user accesses internet banking or to facilitate the use of webmail. These session cookies expire after a browser session. The use of so-called session cookies (which, in any case, are not stored permanently on the user’s computer and are automatically deleted as soon as the browser is closed) is strictly limited to the purposes of data transmission (consisting of numbers generated by the server) that identify the specific session and are necessary to allow safe and efficient browsing. The so-called session cookies used on this site avoid the use of other IT techniques that are potentially detrimental to the privacy of users’ web browsing.

Persistent cookies – they are stored on the user’s device between distinct browser sessions and allow the user’s actions on a site to be remembered. Persistent cookies can be used for a variety of purposes, including remembering users’ preferences and choices when using one site (or in some cases across different websites).

“First” and “third party” cookies – The fact that a cookie is ‘first’ or ‘third party’ is strictly connected to the website or domain that uses that particular cookie. “First party” cookies, essentially, are cookies set by the same website visited by the user – i.e. the site displayed in the URL window: in our case, the cookies set by “Third party” cookies are cookies that are set by a domain other than the one visited by the user: that is, cookies that are set by websites other than If a user visits a website (such as Google) and a third-party company sets a cookie through Google, this specific cookie is a “third-party” cookie.

Ownership of the processing
Key Project Srl, as identified in the Privacy policy, is the owner of the data processing – and is responsible for – only its own cookies, i.e. “first party” cookies; otherwise, “third party” cookies fall under the ownership of the respective companies, identified according to the table contained in this document.

Consent for cookies
Some cookies are strictly necessary for the correct functioning of the Internet and do not require the user’s consent, such as those to ensure that the content of a page is loaded quickly and effectively, the distribution of the workload between different computers or those aimed at ensuring safety. Other cookies are still reasonably necessary or important, but are not strictly essential and, therefore, require the user’s consent. This site implements various techniques for collecting user consent: one method is the selection of the specific box on the cookie banner published on the site access page and which highlights the use of cookies. Browser settings represent another means for granting consent or, conversely, for rejecting cookies; the user can set the browser to warn of the presence of cookies, allowing him to decide whether to accept cookies or not. It is also possible to automatically refuse all cookies by activating the appropriate option in your browser. Each browser highlights instructions for this purpose.

Withdrawal of consent
Your consent to the use of cookies can be revoked at any time, although revocation may impact the functionality of the website.

What cookies we use
When managing its website, Key Project Srl uses cookies to offer services, to improve user experience, as well as to develop aggregate statistics on data collected for various reasons. These cookies allow us to distinguish the user of the site from others, help us to provide a good experience when browsing our site and to improve our site. The cookies we use are “technical” and “analytical”. They allow us to recognize and count the number of visitors and to examine how visitors navigate the website when using it. This helps us improve the way our site works, for example by making sure that users find what they need easily. To find out more about the individual analysis cookies we use and how to recognize them, please consult the table below. More specifically, this website uses these types of cookies, as listed in the following table:

a. technical cookies: necessary for navigation within the site and to be able to use some functions (for example, to move from one page to another, etc.)
b. analytical cookies
: for the statistical analysis of accesses to the site. The information is collected on an aggregate basis.

This site does not use cookies to target advertising.

Some cookies used are third-party cookies. The process for obtaining consent for these cookies is more complex, but we do everything we can to provide the right information to users and to allow them to make informed choices about what is stored on their device. For this reason, the company provides the addresses of these third parties to contact or, failing that, indicates here how to remove the cookies that you do not want to accept.

Scope of circulation and storage of data
Data on web contacts are not kept for a period longer than seven days, except for any investigations of computer crimes against the site. No data deriving from the web service will be communicated or disseminated to unspecified recipients.

Update of the cookie policy
The cookie policy of our Site may be periodically updated, so it is advisable to consult this document every time you access the Site, in order to be correctly informed on how and why we use cookies.

Further information on cookies
For further information on the cookies installed through this Site, you can contact the following e-mail address: